• Presentation about project and Smart sensor technology in EIT CLIMATE-KIC  «Young Climathon» organised by  RTU, EIT Climate-KIC Hub Latvia. Presenation can be seen on Young Innovatore web page and  youtube.

  • Interview for Environmental academy students about project, its significance and reasearch staff.

  • Presentation about Smart sensor technology to students of University of Latvia course “Ievads vides zinātnes studijās”.

  • Published interview about project significance and technology potential in news magazine “IR”, #39 (595).

  • Project results were published in the international and multidisciplinary conference "Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021". Rūta Ozola-Davidāne delivered an oral presentation "Novel pH-sensitive composites containing clay minerals and anthocyanins to monitor meat freshness".

  • Interview of Smart Packaging at the national radio station LR1, the broadcast "Zināmais nezināmajā".

  • Smart Packaging on the national television channel TV3 "900 sekundes" (start watching from 34:00 min.).

  • Post about Smart Packaging "Sensors that indicate food quality" in the Icebreaker blog.

  • Smart Packaging on the national television channel LTV1 "Izziņas impulss".

  • Post about Smart Packaging "Sensors ziņo par pārtikas svaigumu" on the Latvian business news portal Dienas Bizness.

  • Smart Packaging on the Labs of Latvia social media channel: